The Importance of Dog Grooming
Dog grooming is an important part of pet ownership. It goes more than just a beauty regimen. It stretches as a healthcare.
Humans brush their teeth. They take a bath at least once a day. They comb their hairs, cut their nail, and visit salons, spa, and parlors for grooming. Humans do these things to keep their body clean and healthy. But imagine all these removed from their routine. Can you see the picture?
The result to humans when grooming is removed is the same with dogs. As was mentioned earlier, dog grooming is more than just a beauty regimen. Dog grooming also keeps your dog healthy.
It's pretty easy to see if humans are sick. They are pale, and weak. However, for dogs, it is quite different. Signs of sickness are not very evident. Thus, spotting if your dog is sick or not may be different from spotting a sick human. The point here is, since dogs may not seem to show some signs of sickness compared to humans, extensive care and regular grooming routine is required. This will keep you from guessing if your dog is well or not. Regular dog grooming routine will keep you confident that your dog stays healthy and clean.
On the other hand, when you see a subtle, yet clear manifestation that your dog is becoming sick; respond to it quickly by brushing its teeth, giving him a bath, and visiting a veterinarian.
Why is tooth brushing important to dogs?
Unknown to many, even to some dog owners, dogs as young as 3 years old can have gingivitis if they are not given regular tooth brushing. Gingivitis is a gum infection that affects the bloodstream to the vital organs of your dog's body that could potentially lead to more serious health problems. Thus, making sure that your dog receives a regular brushing of teeth will prevent this from happening. To further keep the chances low, have vets check your dog's teeth periodically.
Why is coat brushing important to dogs?
If for you, combing your hair is important, what more to your dog? Fur covers the entire body of your dog while your hair only covers the top of your head. Thus, your dog requires more brushing than you do. What's the point of doing this? Dogs - especially dogs with long coat - that do not receive regular brushing can develop matting. And this is a bad thing. Matts can cause lesions and sores. Also, un-groomed dogs can acquire parasites such as ticks and fleas underneath their matted coat.
Why is nail clipping important to dogs?
What would you feel if you don’t cut your nails of your fingers and toes for years? Have you seen the man with the longest fingernails on television? What discomfort would that bring to you being unable to do your daily task with long fingernails? Same thing goes with your dog. If your dog has long nails, it could not run well. They could even hurt themselves. Make sure that nail cutting is part of your dog' grooming routine will keep your dogs active.
Why is dog grooming important? If until now, the answer is still unclear to you, then know this; grooming is as important to your dog as it is important to you.
The Proper Way to Groom Your Dog
Dog grooming represents a very important part in any dog's life. It has a lot to do with the overall healthcare of your pet dog. It is not only necessary for enhancing the appearance of your dogs but it also promotes optimal health.
Proper grooming of dogs involves many important considerations such as how to properly brush them, to wash them, clip them and clean their ears. These things should be done by the book so as to ensure that your dogs are always in good physical shape. It is crucial to establish a regular grooming routine to make sure that your pets looks good and feels great.
It is best to groom your dogs at least once a week. To achieve utmost dog grooming you need to have the basic grooming tools such as brush, dog shampoo, clippers and cotton swabs. Spend a grooming session with your pet. This is a good way to bond with him. This way you can check his overall health condition.
In grooming your dogs, you have to think about a lot of things. First and foremost, you have to learn the proper manner of brushing your pet. Most veterinarians suggest that you brush your dogs regularly to keep their hair clean all the time. Brushing also helps in stimulating their skin, keeping their skin free from any form of dirt and irritation.
The next thing you have to consider in dog grooming is trimming the nails of your dogs. Do this gently. Trim the nails of your pet using a nail clipper. A dog with a properly trimmed nail is positively healthy. The nails should be trimmed frequently for the comfort of your dogs.
The third thing that you have to consider is the ears. Make sure to keep your pet's ears clean all the time. A dog with unclean ears is sure to suffer from ear infection. This condition is very painful for your dogs, and worst it can lead to total hearing loss. Symptoms of ear infection include odor, scratching, and redness. Ideally, your pet’s ears should be checked for about twice a month. An ear that is pale pink in color is a good indication that your dog is free from infection. In case, there's a foul odor in your dog's ears or any change in color means that there’s an infection.
Next are the teeth. To clean the teeth of your dog, it is suggested that you use a soft bristled pet toothbrush. Clean the teeth of your dog at least twice a week. It’s important to maintain the cleanliness of your pet’s teeth so as to avoid the occurrence of periodontal disease specifically tooth cavities.
Last but not the least, when bathing your dogs it is recommended to bathe them at least once a month or when it is needed. Use a dog shampoo. But be careful in buying a dog shampoo. Select the one that best suits your pet. It is not advisable to use our shampoo on your dog. People sometimes use their shampoo on their pets thinking that it’s just right especially those people who want spend less in grooming their dogs. Remember the skin of your dog is different from yours. Using a human shampoo on your pet might cause dryness to their skin.
When you have taken into account all these things, you can now start changing the grooming habits of your pet. It’s important to follow these basic clippers dog grooming tips to keep your dogs healthy.
The Significance of Proper Dog Grooming
Proper grooming is one of the important parts in taking care of pet. Scratching, shaking and licking are some ways by which dogs maintain their body clean and free from fleas and lice. Dogs make their own way to groom themselves, but still it is not enough. Pets need a hand that will care for them especially from the owners. Taking time to clean up your pet especially dogs will strengthen the connection between you and your pet. In addition your pets would not do such messy things.
Grooming and brushing of dog's hair will take away unchained and tangled hair and it would keep your dog free from skin diseases. Dogs that have long hair needs to be cleaned daily while dogs with short hair can leave with daily grooming. If the dog has a very thick or heavy coating, make use of soft, fine and wide-toothed comb.
Ears on the other hand, need not to be groomed daily but it should be observed at least twice daily. Check your dog's ear by looking in the inner part. If you seem ear mites threat it immediately. These ear mites might be susceptible to many medications and it is infectious and can cause harsh infection in your dog's ears.
Gums and teeth are common problem in dogs. Approximately 80% of dogs that are over the age of 3 suffer from periodontal disease which is essentially a serious weakening of gums. To avoid expensive veterinary treatments, keep your dog's teeth in shape by brushing it daily. It is okay to use a child's toothbrush or a finger toothbrush that's for a dog's teeth. Just be sure to use only dog's toothpaste because it can be toxic to your dog. Proper and regular oral care can extend the life of your dog by 2 to 3 years.
Dogs that have an overgrown nails tends to develop some physical problems. It is vital to that you monitor regularly the nails. Dog's nails must not grow too long. Dogs would have problem as they shift their weight when they walk. Remove only the end part of your dog's nails. If you accidentally trimmed too far and start to bleed, apply pressure to the point of the nail.
To be able to do the proper grooming of dogs, there are some schools that offer a dog grooming. It will be wise to take dogs there.